Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 a penny: April 2006

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Now that the sun is shining over here in Korea land... I have found myself playing outside with my dear Lauren. We lead a charming life really. I must say that with the obstacles overcome (I'm sure there will be more), and the adjustments having been made- we have started to think of Gunpo city as home.

Yesterday after work, Lauren came trouncing through the door squawking about this tree that had to be seen. She said that on the way to work the other day - she was floored by it's beauty. God is the great artist. So she convinced me that I must leave my place of hibernation and explore this tree with her.

We trundled down the road in between cherry blossoms and Chinese the tree! It was the most beautiful Magnolia I had ever seen. It was big and beautiful and white and full..and conveniently growing beside a fence, I was sure we could climb. So with very little encouragement Lauren started her way up the fence, to get a closer look at this blooming beauty. Now, it's not like we don't get enough attention, but please picture two white girls(I mention our skin color often, because we are separated on the basis of it) on the side of a busy highway, one hoisting the other onto a fence. Ovey. It's a wonder we were not arrested. Anyways.. once on top of the fence to photo shoot began.

Once I coaxed laur down off the wall (she was fond of both the wall and the tree) she and I walked over to the local bakery where we weekly pick up our homemade bread (charmed life). I spotted a path, and Lauren was sure she knew where it lead.. so we went on yet another, (are you surprised?) adventure. This path was lined with blooming cherry trees, chirping birds and there was even a sign warning us not to burn down their solace. The sign cracked us up, because it was white folks from the 50's burning the park down on the sign(see below).

We finished our strolling, bread buying fence climbing adventure off with smoothies from a small health store near our house, and went home to do Yoga(with our personal instructor..and if by personal I mean video..then yes).

And... today I am sore. My winter bones are angry with my spring fever.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring time in Korea!!! Lauren and I shipped off to Yeudio Park to catch some of the sights and sounds of spring. We found this tree. We liked it. We took a picture of it. Then....

Being the self respecting country girls that we are, in a city of 11 million we plunked down under this tree and layed in the "almost" grass and throughly enjoyed our first korean smoggy spring day.

However the adventure did not end there....

Lauren sat amongst the flowers (obviously we were pretending to be English elves)... then it had (clearly) been too much excitment- so we opted to leave....however little did we know..the excitement had just begun!

As we wondered along after our afternoon of playing with blossoms...we found a PALACE.

Spring time in the ancient Josan dynasty

This tree wanted a photograph with me (really who wouldn't?)

Palace blossoms!

The looking and wandering (squacking...perhaps my and laurens new hobby) through ancient palaces made for a devine day..however it was time to go...

look there I am leaving

We started to cross the road to finish off our adventure..but little did we know...our adventure was not through(even).

When we started to cross the road, happy little english people we are-- we were stopped by the korean traffic man...dun dun dahhhhh

WE WERE TRAPPED on a small traffic island!

TRAPPPPPPEEEDDDDDDDD! A photo of me coming to grips with our situation

I was not alone in my distress. Lauren felt the pressure on our traffic island. I was clearly loosing my mind behind her.

Finally we were freed from our island in the intersection and we could head on home for a classic layin low night in Gunpo city.

Not before swinging off of lamp posts, and taking a picture of the "AUTO TOLIET" which talks to you as you pee. hahah

The End!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Random left out but oh-so wonderful pictures of doom!
Sarah (oh..I am slowly going crazy....)

Lauren (she is too)

Nate(dealing with Lauren and Sarah)

My birthday Pineapple and Icecream!

Kitchen (in all it's glory)

Me in Bathroom (Charming I know)


Veiw from the front door

Pics of Christmas!

Remember the rainy day from starbucks?
Here we are!
Robert and Sarah
Lauren and Sarah
In Seoul Drinking coffee!


Yippie Number one: I was accepted to Tyndale seminary!
Yippie Number two: I'm coming home for Ben Bokma's wedding (June 6th-June 11th)!
Yippie Number three: I'm a groomswoman (pssshhhaw...stoked)!
Yippie Number Four: The dress for the wedding is the same as the one I wore to Nicole's Wedding....REWEAR!!!
Yippie Number Five: I heart Canada

So today I taught a culture lesson to my grade fives on "personal space." The joys of being a teacher. Everyday my students come roaring into my class in a storm of ninja kicks, laughter, screams (do they ever love to scream)all singing a chorus of HEEELOWW TEEACHHAAAA SSSAAALAAAAA!!!

And everyday, I sit quietly awaiting their booming introduction, and brace myself for the attack. Not one, not three, but daily, 40 students encircle my desk and giggle shyly at their inability to say anything to me. They are fascinated by my "Clean neck" (Perhaps white is what they mean?) and my blue eyes, asking questions (as they stare at me curiously) Teachaaa your eyes blue?.
Now this invasion of my space would be completely welcomed if there were any space to welcome them into. I am encircled, completely covered, climbing, crawling, poking, pushing laughing, touching, covered with students. Reading my emails, taking my coffee(brave souls), picking up random objects and naming them in English for me. Pen? Book? Stapler? Paper?

I smile (on the outside, and probably somewhere deep inside as well.) However, my North American, Canadian, wide open spaces, room to think and breath - personal space has been stolen and I am slipping into a state of shock. I hold on for as long as I can, with out discouraging these little English learning cherubs, and then with one swoop of my arms- I leap from my desk and run to seek cover with my co-teacher. Standing behind her, I am safe- they will not explore my ears, eyes, neck, papers, pens or books any longer.

So after my space had been stolen for the 5th time that day, in the second week of my seventh month here, I decided it was time for a lesson on cultural differences!

I drew a map. I drew small small small Korea, and large large large Canada. They agreed on my scaled drawings...however as a class we decided both countries were great. I showed them that there are many people in Canada, and that there are many people in Korea. I then showed them, that in Canada (b/c it's bigger), we are used to having more space. In Korea, it's smaller (one city holding 11 million people) they are used to sharing space differently.

When it was all said and done they were pretending to be in boxes as mimes. They understood the concept of my invisible barriers of personal space..and were having a good time making fun of them:) It was so cute.

They thought it was strange. They just couldn't understand, if the space was there, why it couldn’t be used. This is coming from a people who use every nook and cranny to it's best ability. They have basketball courts on roof tops, and gardens (full gardens) in city ditches. A corner that would be used for storing cardboard in a grocery store in Canada, is where they sell the flowers (under the escalator, enough space to walk in, buy the flower and walk out backwards(no space to turn)).

My invisible barriers fascinated them. And with thought, now fascinate me.

I went to a movie with a couple of the youth I am working with at Saejewang church. While traveling on the subway they asked me what I found most difficult to adjust to, upon arriving in Korea. I answered their question with "personal space." Simultaneously, they all took one step away from me :) I had no choice but to laugh.

Oh the blessings of space. The ingenious of using what you have. The joy that can be gained when one takes the time to understand and be understood. There is nothing that will bless your heart like 40 grade five students mocking you as small mimes stuck in boxes.

Monday, April 03, 2006

So last night I had a conversation with my father about traveling, staying, moving, buying, selling, selling out, and buying in...And well at the end of the whole thing I cried a little.

I have always considered myself to be a strong person. I have not always thought myself to be beautiful, intelligent, charming, good smelling or wise-- but I have always felt my back bone was strong, and my ability to survive was more than innate.

Now my strength has always been relative to necessity. If I am alone, I can deal with the spider on my wall- however if Stewart was asleep in the next room, I was apt to wake him for assistance. I would hand him a book or shoe and turn away with fear. If faced with that very same spider in the presence of my sisters, I would have stepped up and saved the day (uncomfortably...but done).

There have been days here where I have felt myself step up, take on that spider, and accomplish the tasks needed. I was strong, because I had to be strong. I survived because I had the will to survive. I played charades with the woman who came to check my propane, because I needed propane. C'est la vie.

Last night, momentarily, on the phone with my father- I no longer needed to be strong. There were no propane ladies to deal with, no sisters to role model to, no classes to teach, or taxi drivers to communicate with. I sat there and wept. Big bad and brave Sarah (ha-ha) could crawl into her father's lap, if only for a moment, and be protected.

I am thankful that I can crawl into my fathers lap. He sends me coffee and prescriptions- does my taxes, and ships me off to the ends of the earth for God's service. He taught me his strength, and given me his legs (when mom was voted hottest legs in school), however I did get his hair (great hair at that).

My heavenly father taught me a lesson, using my earthly father last night. They are both available, always, to be strength in my life. They both don't mind if I crawl into their laps and cry, if only for a moment. My earthy father's belief in me incubates my slow and steady growth, while my belief in my heavenly father gives me life to strengthen.

Phil 4:13 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength

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Nathaniel and Dad

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Sarah's Last year at a glance!
Well it has been quite a year, and I am one incredibaly blessed girl for all that I have been apart of, and all that I've seen!
Today, Lauren myself and cousin Robert - met up to go walking in the rain, in downtown Seoul. While trapsing around Seoul, being the only folks without umbreallas (Korean people melt when wet)
- we decided to take shelter in the local Starbucks (amen!) and dry off! While sitting and enjoying our cofees, i took a moment to recognize where I was, and how exactly it was that i was brought to that very moment. IN my quite recollections, I realized that I have not lived at home (canada) since last May! What have I been up to? Well here is a photo diary of my year!

Graduation:2005-2006! Bachelor of Arts Joint Major English and Psychology:) This lovely pic, muhahahah made the cover of the alumni mag! Pretty cool eh?

After grad I met up with some friends and we drove from British Columbia to California, enjoyignt he western coast, random adventures, and all the blessings that come from travelling with those you love. ONce arriving in California we geared up for nine weeks in Covelo with SSP.
Here is my entire staff...minus the photo taker, Julie-
Hali and I grooving after a hard day on site! Always on the floor:) Perhaps prep for Korea?

After spending many a day working with young people in the sun, the sun got to mne head and I fell in love with this bloke...Nathaniel Spinney entered the scene...and we shipped it home to Nova Scotia for a couple weeks before I left for Korea.

But not before I got a tattoo! It's the trinity, in the form of a celtic hurt. I love it.

Once arriving in Korea many a new adventure began, travel, miscommunication, self discovery and silence. This is a walk way @ Gyenogabunk palace in Seoul!

My partner in crime...and in notcrime:)(We live in a very small apartment and have spent every day of the last seven months together..and still like each other!)

Mom sent a parcel @ Christmas to uphold her wonderful (cough cough) tradition of wearing HALARIOUS pj's on Christmas eve...and sucked Lauren and Nate into her tradition...across the ocean (Nate came for Christmas!!)

We all settled in for a western Christmas dinner:)

Once Nate was out, we started counting down for Thailand!
On our plane...we took the first pic of our trip!

Once in Thailand we travelled about seeing what we could with little to no worries about anything, but our next adventure! We are on a ferry between the main land and koh Samui here!

On our last night in Thailand Lauren and I headed to the beach to watch the sun set and eat icecream!

And here we are even though the pic says it was taken in 2004!

I love you all! Can't wait to see you soon! Many Blessings from Korea!