So Lauren and I got it in our heads that we shoudl travel down to the second biggest city in Korea, Busan. We had heard many a good thing about this city, including the fact that it is a lot more chill than Seoul..and to be honest I needed a break from the "go- go go!" I'm a country girl!
So after buying the wrong tickets and standing on a very crowded train for many too many hours we landed in Busan land: I was sooo excited I danced the whole way down the stairs!

We walked down the stairs to the beat of a monks drum and walked among the gentelmen sleeping in the park. I chased some pigeons...however I don't have a picture of that:)

This large tower would be a Budhist (starting with an s)....STUPA! ahah I remembered! IT's decorated with pink paper laterns..This pic was taken the same weekend as budda's birthday!
We got ourseleves situated at a near by" love hotel." Now, Love hotels are these cheesy might I add, sketchy hotels for about 15 CAD a night. As you can see we made ourselves comfortable in our hot pink rotataing beds:

We then decided we should all make ourselves comfortable in this lovely bed. Oh Korea !

Being tired out from the fun that can be had dancing downs tairs and playing in "Love hotels" we made out way to the beach where i was distracted by the multiple tanks of strange fish like creatures. I felt none would satidfy my hunger..since they were all swimming..and opted for some street food.

This delicious thing that I cannot pronouce is filled with sugar and cinnamin, and is really really hot! SOO GOOD!

We arrived at Hyundai beach and plunked our butts down to take in some well deserved relaxation. We hung out here until it was dark...thats when they turned on GIANT lights and the moon with is stars were hidden.. but the sounds of the ocean made me happy.

The next morning we allplanned to hit the beach full force, but mother nature had another plans and instead we walked about looking like this all day long. hahahh We happened to find ourselves a monsoon. special.

Determinded! We still hit the beach. The rain continued for no lie:24 hours!

We awoke the next day to find sunny skies and all that is ironic.. we boarded our train (seats this time) and headed back to Seoul! This is a pic of the Hann river and a part of Seoul.. lovely isn't it?

These are farming fields near Busan.... The country side is beautiful!

And that my friends was the Busan Adventure!

i want to go to a love hotel! boo on canada for having boring looking beds when you get to have such sassy ones!
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